Thursday, November 19, 2009

If it quacks like a duck...It's probably a cat

Okay someone tell me what is the deal with relationships?

When you graduate from 3rd grade how do you officially know your someone's girlfriend/boyfriend?
I mean what is in a label?
Is it possible to have and to hold without the having to have and having to hold?
Sure that doesn't make any sense, then again neither do relationships!

I don't remember how this stuff is supposed to work...
Men barely have to leave their water holes to pick up nowadays
90% of the population use internet...
The other 10% prey on hopeless girls with BAC levels through the roof
And why not, we're all easy at that point, right?

What happens when you think you found one... a good one
It's completely unknown?
You go with the flow...
But how do you know when the flow has flowed to long?
Fact is you don't... and many of you let it subside for too long
When your already in too deep... I know, I have done it before

I am aggressive; I say what I feel and mean what I say, always.
I believe I have met someone that is special, more special than anyone who has come before.
We are flowing. I am good with the flowing.
I will be good with the flowing for a long time...

But I can't help but wonder if I am setting myself up for failure

What is in a label?
Let's see....
we have security... and well thats about it

So can two people be something without the label?
Sure they can...but then what are the rules?
Are they single? Can they see other people? Should they be seeing other people...
You know I believe the label doesn't just ease insecurities
It clears the grey areas.

If there is no discussed committment....
Then are we agreeably unlabelled until some newer pretty model comes along?
Should we be handing out the perks of a relationship without an actual relationship?

Of course not all are putting you on hold for the upgrade
Some are cautious, or uncertain or even scared..
Those are the ones classified as special!

Those special ones are rare finds...
The odd time we do come across these practically extinct finds...
We over analyze and subsiquently accidently sabbotage them....

Maybe there's still light at the end of the tunnel..

Love inspires all to do the unthinkable
To reach above and beyond what they believed to be their limits...
It makes us vulnerable and insecure
It can be so painful you physically hurt even without physical damage...
Yet, it can be so beautiful you catch yourself smiling at a passing thought of them...
Ahh Relationships

So all in all....
If he acts like a douche... chances are, he's a douche
Don't get fooled
Don't wait around for the label
No one is worth more than you
Being alone is okay, though so few women accept that
They should.
Trust your intuition its much stronger than you give it credit for
This is the best advice I can give...
If he's special, I mean truly truly special...
Then wait it out....
and if that still fails
Pick up your heart, dust it off and try try again.

You're only as beautiful as you want to be and as old as you feel.
One life, yes...But, at least you get unlimited chances to get it right..

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Holidays Shhmolidays

Gahhhh the adorable/lovable/huggable Christmas/Holiday (politically correct term) season has returned....
Ohh bring out...
The fattening foods
The tacky glittery decorations
The oversized, overly decorated "holiday" trees
The revamped Christmas caroles
The over sized visa bills
Dare I say, YAHHHHOOO {note my sarcasim}

This is the one time of year when I feel useless
I am not cheap
I am simply broke
Reference: previous blog!

Either way this year there are many new people in my life
People who are worthy of many gifts
Gifts which warm their hearts, put twinkles in their eyes and smiles on their faces

Yet as November quickly carries on marching towards December
It continues to apply the "holiday" pressure - pft jerks.

Well come all ye' faithful.....
Maybe Christmas 2010 will be different.
Then again,
Last year I hoped the same of this Christmas.