Saturday, November 14, 2009

Employability VS Unemployability

So are you unemployed and searching for work?

I am and quite frankly I am beginning to think it's pointless. I went to school for Public Relations, recieved a diploma with the encouragement of having potential... Luckily in this day and age potential pays the bills.

Every day as a rule I apply online (which is the standard method to apply for employment) to a minimum of 10 jobs. In just the last three weeks I've applied to over 120 jobs.. Some for communications and some for simple clerical work...I've had zero emails, zero phone calls and zero interviews. Not only is it discouraging, it raises the question what am I doing wrong?

So I review my resume... I mean sure its not perfect, but its unique (and not in the just trying to be nice way)!

I have utilized all the websites which "aid" you in your search for a career; workopolis, monsterjobs, HRDC, localjobs, classifieds.... the list goes on and on and still nothing. Last week I gave in and registered with a temp agency. I did it because I thought ... "maybe this will at the very least get my foot in the door." Man was I wrong.

Being the eager beaver I am, I follow up with the agency everyday... A lot of good that's done me. I met with my rep and asked her what seems to be the problem I have a lot of experience and a great attitude! She agreed and then said that most jobs have responded that I am over qualified!!! Over qualified to answer a phone?!?!?! This over qualified opinion is based on my education. Yes, thats right folks my education is hindering my chances of employment!

Just when you think that's bad enough.. You have to love your employed friends showing support by saying things like, "it's not you, it's just a tough enconomy".. you can't help but look at them, smile and say "thanks I'm sure VW, Bell and Visa all understand that." Goodness if I didn't have the parental roof I'd be flippen burgers at McPukes. I am not even hating on that idea because this is how desperate I am getting.

I admit I slacked this summer when I was supposed to find a job, I was certain I could take my time. I could sit here and think about how I regret procrastinating...but that would take away time I could be spending applying for jobs.

So now I wonder: is my best option to dumb down my resume? At this point I worry even McPukes would see my resume and say no and instead hire the overweight 15 year old.. Okay, maybe I am being harsh... Maybe not.

Whats a girl who is trying to transform into a woman supposed to do?
How do I make it happen?

"Don't give up!" "Hang in there!" Yeah like I'm that little cat who's about to fall gripping for dear life on that ever so popular motivational poster... Fact is; he isn't really in danger, it's all photoshop..Brutal. If only life could be altered by a slightly complicated computer program.

All I need is one break with a company and I know I can prove to them I am a worth while investment... But getting that break will either be the death of me... or my credit... neither of which is a sacrifice I am willlingly going to make!

I know I am not alone, but I am the only one who can help me... and I'm failing myself miserably.

Would You Consider

Watch this video and open your mind to the possiblities of this being reality... Sure you watch this with an understanding that some may be a little far fetched...
Somewhere in there is a foundation for this information... Expand your mind.

Ask questions. Research. Expand. Understand.